Titan Tornado
The Tornado is a 1-meter twin tractor designed for maximizing your FPV fun. It packs a tight punch in a small form factor while being a swiss army knife in terms of configuration. Featuring a swappable nose and tail-cam, Tornado can be configured for almost any kind of FPV experience you desire. Multiple noses supporting multiple cameras are included, as well as blanks for the community to modify. Designed with aerobatics in mind, it’s got large control surfaces ready to command ludicrous pitch/roll rates and maintain stability at any speed. Of course it wouldn’t be a Titan without space for large batteries – allowing for ultra-long-range flights if desired. Wing bays on either side ensure maximum antenna separation, while the smooth contours reduce interference drag and help Tornado cut through the air like a hot knife through butter. Better call your weather-man, because this plane is sure to stir up a storm at speeds of over 220km/h.
Titan Tornado
The Tornado is a 1-meter twin tractor designed for maximizing your FPV fun. It packs a tight punch in a small form factor while being a swiss army knife in terms of configuration. Featuring a swappable nose and tail-cam, Tornado can be configured for almost any kind of FPV experience you desire. Multiple noses supporting multiple cameras are included, as well as blanks for the community to modify. Designed with aerobatics in mind, it’s got large control surfaces ready to command ludicrous pitch/roll rates and maintain stability at any speed. Of course it wouldn’t be a Titan without space for large batteries – allowing for ultra-long-range flights if desired. Wing bays on either side ensure maximum antenna separation, while the smooth contours reduce interference drag and help Tornado cut through the air like a hot knife through butter. Better call your weather-man, because this plane is sure to stir up a storm at speeds of over 220km/h.
Post release update: Rounder wingtips as well as horizontal stabilizer. Updated Aug 2023
Spars needed:
(2) 8x500mm (main wing spars)
(2) 8x300mm (wing support)
(2) 3x250mm (aileron hinge)
(2) 3x320mm (hstab support + elevator hinge)
(1) 3x150mm (rudder hinge)
(1) 2x200mm (optional elevator join support)
Recommended motor & prop:
16-19mm mounting pattern
Tmotor F90 1300kv Long Range version or V2208 or similar
6-8 inch propeller (ideally 7x4 on 6S)
Recommended electronics:
TBS crossfire / ELRS / Dragonlink 5.8ghz / 1.2ghz analog or digital
Matek F405-WTE flight controller or similar
Matek M8Q-5883 GPS/Compass or similar
(2) 35-55a BLHeli ESC
(4) Emax ES08MAII servos
Battery: Anything from a 3300mah 6S Lipo to a 15,000mah 4S Li-Ion
Polycarbonate or other high-temp filament for the motor mount
Medium CA glue
210x210x250 minimum size print bed (Prusa Mk3)
Control horns (this one)
M3 threaded inserts (max 6mm height)
M3 bolts of various sizes
6x3mm magnets
Print settings:
LWPLA parts should be single wall, and 4% cubic subdivision infill
High temp (Polycarbonate or PETG) motor mount and wing bay plates should be double wall and 25-100% infill
Additional Info:
CG is marked under the wing, and can be pushed forward of the marking for more docile behavior
Aim for takeoff weight of ~1300-1800g. Maximum recommended takeoff weight 2.5kg.
Wingspan: 1034 mm | Wing area: 1980 cm^2
Feel free to configure flaperons, but be cautious of using full flaps. Takeoffs and landings can be done with half flaps, but not recommended for takeoff.
Licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial license.